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Toynbee Tiles


Boardleitung, Root
30. Oktober 2002
Punkte Reaktionen
Trinity hat gemeint, ich solls hier rein posten... Keine Ahnung, wos am besten paßt. Mysteriöse Fliesen mitten in der Straße in über 20 Städten
Darauf eine Anspielung auf Kubrick, von manchen verglichen als Kornkreise der Städte.

The Kansas City Star has an interesting story about Toynbee Tiles. They show up embedded in streets, and can be found in the US (Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, Aberdeen, Edgewood, Washington, etc), Chile, Argentina and Brazil. They are made of "epoxy or super hard plastic that's actually inlaid in the asphalt itself." The tiles invariably state, "Toynbee Ideas in Kubrick's 2001 Resurrect Dead On Planet Jupiter". Sometimes there are secondary tiles that request people make more while others are of a more paranoid slant. Toynbee was a religious historian who believed that "well-being of a civilization depends on its ability to respond successfully to challenges, human and environmental". There is even a Ray Bradbury book, The Toynbee Convector. Toynbee.net has a link to a Usenet posting where someone ask's Kubrick's daughter if the man himself knew of the tiles. To date, the origin of the tiles are a mystery. Any /.'ers able to provide the location of additional tiles, or perhaps clues for solving the mystery?

Quelle: http://slashdot.org/


Einen Artikel dazu gibts hier: http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascitystar/living/special_packages/starmagazine/6693767.htm